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The right tool at the right time, in one package, for less

Autodesk® 3D design and creation suites provide expanded toolsets, unique interoperability, and a consistent user experience—for building design, product design, entertainment creation, and more.

5 Cara Cepat Adopsi Cloud Dengan Hasil Bisnis Menguntungkan

“Pandemi ini menantang kami semua dan menjadi peringatan bagi beberapa perusahaan yang memperdebatkan apakah akan berinvestasi dalam transformasi digital atau tidak,” kata Kepala Informasi Autodesk Prakash Kota. “Bagi mereka yang sudah menggunakan cloud...


Setiap organisasi menginginkan karyawan yang terampil, tetapi berapa banyak yang benar-benar menanamkannya dalam membantu stafmereka mencapai tingkat yang lebih tinggi itu? Beberapa manajer mungkin tidak yakin tentang menghabiskan waktu dan sumber...




Dari adopsi cepat teknologi baru hingga perubahan lingkungan kerja yang diciptakan oleh pandemi COVID-19, banyak yang telah berubah dalam industriarsitektur selama setahun terakhir - dan perubahan itu kemungkinan akan dipercepat di tahun-tahun mendatang....


DENGAN PINNACLE SERIES ONBOARD KARYAWAN BARU SECARA EFEKTIF DENGAN PINNACLE SERIES. Saat Anda menyambut karyawan baru ke organisasi Anda, ada banyak hal yang harus mereka pelajari saat mereka terbiasadengan peran dan lingkungan kerja baru mereka....

AEC (Architecture Engineering & Construction)

Silahkan isi Form dibawah ini untuk mengajukan pertanyaan atau ajukan demo/presentasi dengan tim kami untuk software Autodesk yang ingin Anda cari tahu lebih.

Alasan Utama Designer Manufacturing Beralih ke PDMC

Tata letak pabrik dan sistem peralatan adalah jenis pekerjaan desain yang sangat tepat untuk dikerjakan dengan AutoCAD. Jadi, mengapa Anda tidak mempertimbangkan perubahan?Product Design & Manufacturing Collection dari Autodesk menambahkan...

Alasan utama pengguna AutoCAD® untuk menggunakan Autodesk® Vault

Kontrol data desain AutoCAD anda Autodesk® Vault mengelola data desain dan proses rekayasa di lokasi pusat membantu organisasi Anda menghemat waktu, menghindari kesalahan yang merugikan, serta merevisi dan merilis desain dengan lebih efisien. 1. ...

Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collections Apa itu Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collections? AEC Collection memberikan desainer, insinyur, dan kontraktor seperangkat alat BIM dan CAD yang mendukung...

Autodesk Announces New Ways to Connect to Autodesk Construction Cloud

Tim di seluruh siklus proses pembangunan dapat mengintegrasikan aplikasi dan merampingkan manajemen data dengan lebih mudah dari sebelumnya untuk menghemat waktu dan uang San Rafael, CA – 27 Mei 2020 – Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADSK) mengumumkan kem...

Autodesk Construction Cloud

Cara yang lebih baik untuk membangun, bersama. Kelola semua gambar konstruksi, RFI, dan yang Anda kirimkan akan diteruskan secara lancar antara kantor dan lapangan dengan aplikasi seluler dan web yang sangat mudah digunakan untuk seluruh tim proyek...

Autodesk Fusion 360

Apa itu Fusion 360? Fusion 360 adalah platform perangkat lunak pemodelan 3D berbasis cloud, CAD, CAM, CAE, dan PCB untuk desain dan manufaktur produk profesional. Rancang dan desain produk sesuai keinginan Anda untuk memastikan estetika, bentuk,...

Autodesk Fusion 360 Promo

Untuk waktu yang terbatas, pelanggan dapat menerima diskon 40% dari harga eceran yang disarankan (SRP) untuk langganan baru Fusion 360, Fusion 360 – Team Participant, Fusion 360 – Manufacturing Extension, Fusion 360 – Generative Design  Semua disko...

Autodesk Inventor what’s new 2022

Ini adalah waktu yang menyenangkan dalam setahun karena tim Inventor memberikan rilis perangkat lunak mengesankan lainnya yang dikemasdengan penyempurnaan — didorong oleh Anda dan riset pasar yang ekstensif. Artikel ini akan memberikan gambaran u...

Autodesk New Version Release

Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan ekspetasi para pelanggan kami, Autodesk terus mengembangkan tiap softwarenya untuk menjadi lebih baik lagi. Autodesk merilis versi baru seitap bulan Maret-April dari tiap software yang ada. Tertarik melihat apa yang bisa...


Apakah jawaban Anda YA untuk semua pertanyaan ini? Apakah saat ini Anda membayar beberapa perangkat lunak 2D dan 3D untuk desain Anda? Apakah Akurasi Desain penting bagi Anda? Apakah Anda ingin menghasilkan desain lebih cepat agar mudah beradaptasi...

Autodesk Software Product

Autodesk adalah perangkat lunak desain 3D utama yang paling sering digunakan dalam kebutuhan Entertainment, Natural Resources, Manufacturing, Engineering, Construction, dan Civil Infrastructure. Kami Cipta Satria Informatika sebagai partner...


Dapatkan harga khusus saat memperbarui lisence Anda, dan pelajari tentang pilihan Anda termasuk kemampuan untuk beralih ke Industry Collection lain dengan kemampuan yang lebih tinggi. Pelajarai dalam memelihara dan pilihan anda dengan mengunjungi halaman...

Autodesk Vault 2022 Deep Dive: Thin Client

Salah satu bagian paling menarik dari rilis terbaru Autodesk Vault 2022 kami adalah cara kamimempermudah orang di luar engineering untuk bekerja dengan data engineering dan mengubahpesanan. Forge Viewer Thin Client baru mengintegrasikan...

Baru di Autodesk Construction Cloud

Rapat sangat penting untuk keberhasilan semua proyek konstruksi. Baik itu koordinasi mingguan atau pertemuan OAC, itu adalah bagian penting dari fase desain, prakonstruksi, dan konstruksi untuk menyatukan banyak tim dan pemangku kepentingan untuk...

BIM BENEFITS Untuk apa BIM digunakan? BIM digunakan untuk membuat dan mengelola data selama proses desain, konstruksi, dan operasi. BIM mengintegrasikan data multidisiplin untuk membuat representasi digital terperinci yang dikelola...


Bluebeam Revu memberdayakan tim untuk berkolaborasi secara lebih efisien dengan alat untuk membuat, menandai,mengedit, meninjau, dan mengelola dokumen PDF. Dengan berbagai fitur dan plug-in, tim AEC dapat berkomunikasi danmenyelesaikan proyek dengan...

Cipta Satria Informatika Semarang

CIPTA SATRIA INFORMATIKA Sebagai perusahaan IT yang sangat dinamis dan agresif, bagan organisasi CSI jelas sederhana dan lurus ke depan untuk memastikan aliran komunikasi di antara anggota tim dipertahankan pada tingkat kejelasan yang...

Cipta Satria Informatika Semarang Sebagai perusahaan IT yang sangat dinamis dan agresif, bagan organisasi CSI jelas sederhana dan lurus ke depan untuk memastikan aliran komunikasi di antara anggota tim dipertahankan pada tingkat...


CIPTASATRIA QUIZ Dalam berbagi teknologi Design & Engineering terbaru dari Autodesk kepada para pelanggan, kami membuat terobosan terbaru selain webinar & workshop yaitu CIPTASATRIA QUIZ. Coba pengalaman baru dalam mencari pengetahuan dengan...


AutoCAD Power your teams’ creativity with automation, collaboration, and machine-learning features of AutoCAD® software. Architects, engineers, and construction professionals use AutoCAD. SEE CLASS Inventor Inventor® 3D CAD software provides pro...
Autodesk AutoCAD

Autodesk AutoCAD

Design every detail Create stunning 2D and 3D designs with AutoCAD® 2015 software. Available within all Autodesk Design Suites, AutoCAD helps speed detailing and documentation work that you can confidently share using TrustedDWG technology. An updated ...
Autodesk Maintenance Subscription

Autodesk Maintenance Subscription

Maximize value. Minimize hassle. Boost the value of your software investment with Maintenance Subscription—the most convenient and cost-effective way to access the latest tools, flexible licensing, robust support, and services in the cloud.* Maintenance S...
Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing Industry

Win more business, reduce development costs, and speed time to market of innovative industrial equipment and machinery Partnering with Autodesk, PT. Cipta Satria Informatika has been supporting Manufacturing industries in Indonesia for years and has...
Product Design & Manufacturing

Product Design & Manufacturing

Design products with product engineering, design, and visualization tools that reduce new product development time and help lower costs. Overview Create more innovative consumer product designs, reduce development time, and efficiently collaborate...
Industrial Design & Visualization

Industrial Design & Visualization

Design and build innovative, compliant electrical equipment, integrating electrical and mechanical systems digitally Industrial designers are the arbiters of innovation, charged with the knowledge, skill, and expertise to drive a company's brand and...


Simulation Gain Competitive Advantage, Deliver Better Designs Faster Autodesk Simulation software helps you understand the implications of design choices as you make them. With simulation-driven design, designers and engineers can perform simulations early in the design and engineering process to investigate behavior, test innovative concepts, and optimize designs before manufacturing or construction.
Digital Prototyping

Digital Prototyping

Make Great Products with Autodesk Digital Prototyping Autodesk® Digital Prototyping is an innovative way for you to explore your ideas before they’re even built. It’s a way for team members to work together across disciplines. And it’s a way for in...
Architecture, Engineering & Construction Industry

Architecture, Engineering & Construction Industry

Autodesk's architecture, engineering, and construction solutions include AutoCAD-based design and documentation software such as AutoCAD Architecture (formerly Architectural Desktop), AutoCAD MEP (formerly Autodesk Building Systems), and AutoCAD Civil...


Experience a seamless design process, from concept through completion, with support from Autodesk architectural design software


Minimize waste, increase efficiency, and improve quality with Autodesk construction software Overview Evaluate and enhance the constructability of designs and improve the project delivery process with field management and virtual construction software....
Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) Engineering

Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) Engineering

Design more efficiently, improve building system performance, and collaborate more effectively with MEP design software. Design, simulate, and document complex building systems more accurately and efficiently with Autodesk’s comprehensive MEP solutions. O...
Structural Engineering

Structural Engineering

Increase productivity, perform more accurate simulations, and collaborate more effectively with structural design and analysis software Overview Design, analyze, and collaborate more accurately with structural engineering tools that support the Building...
BIM for Building

BIM for Building

Articulate your design vision while delivering projects more efficiently Autodesk Building Information Modelling (BIM) solutions for building projects provide accurate, accessible and actionable insight across the building lifecycle for all project...
Engineering, Natural Resources & Infrastructure Industry

Engineering, Natural Resources & Infrastructure Industry

Highly regarded industrial equipment companies design, simulate, visualize, and manage their products digitally to help create competitive advantage. Autodesk solutions help at every stage of the product development process by streamlining workflows...
Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas

Plan, design, document, build, and manage oil and gas engineering projects more effectively with intelligent 3D Help speed up your design cycles, more effectively collaborate across teams, and better understand real-world performance for your oil and...
Mining & Metals

Mining & Metals

Explore concepts, design projects, and communicate results with mining infrastructure software. Use mining infrastructure software from Autodesk® to explore, design, and develop mine site infrastructure, plants and mills, and mine equipment. All ...
BIM for Infrastructure

BIM for Infrastructure

Deliver More Efficiently with BIM for Infrastructure. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an intelligent 3D model-based process that enables accurate, accessible and actionable insight for better-informed decisions across the project lifecycle. The...


Ribuan organisasi di seluruh dunia memanfaatkan Pinnacle Series untuk menyediakan platform pembelajaran berkelanjutan, menangkap & berbagi pengetahuan internal, dan meningkatkan produktivitas. Continuous Learning The Pinnacle Series memberikan...

Form Pendaftaran Training

Pendaftaran Training Untuk mendaftarkan diri Anda silahkan isi form dibawah ini dengan lengkap.

Form Pendaftaran Webinar Series


Form Promo Fusion 360

Mulai 1 Oktober 2021, hingga 22 Oktober 2021 Diskon 20%* Saat berlangganan Fusion 360 (1 tahun atau 3 tahun) dan/atau Fusion 360 - Team Participant (1 tahun atau 3 tahun). Diskon 30%*  Saat berlangganan Fusion 360 - Machining Extension (1...
FREE Hands-on Workshop Series. Every Friday at Cipta Satria Training Center!

FREE Hands-on Workshop Series. Every Friday at Cipta Satria Training Center!

[NOTES] Customers yang terhormat, dalam situasi Pandemi Corona seperti sekarang ini dan dengan adanya Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) dari Pemerintah, in class Hands-on Workshop yang kami adakan secara rutin setiap minggunya di hari Jumat tidak lagi dimungkinkan untuk diadakan di Training Center kami di Jl. Keuangan No. 11, Cilandak Barat. Namun kami tetap dengan komitmen kami untuk membagi pengetahuan praktis penggunaan software-software Autodesk kepada customers dan siapa saja yang berminat untuk mendalami secara teknis penggunaan software-software Autodesk ini dalam format ONLINE . Kami akan menyelenggarakan Workshop ini menggunakan Zoom Webinar dengan jadwal yang sama yaitu setiap Hari Jumat dengan waktu yang akan ditentukan sesuai dengan topik dan materi yang disiapkan oleh para Instruktur Profesional kami. Daftar sekarang, dan tetap produktif di situasi apapun! Salam. Di era Disruptive Innovation ini, persaingan di dunia usaha menjadi semakin ketat dan mengandalkan efisiensi dalam proses, bukan hanya proses di sisi produksi atau fabrikasi/manufakturing, tetapi mencangkup seluruh proses, baik dari proses ideation/ konseptualisasi, perencanaan, desain & engineering, sampai post-production pun, tak lepas dari efisiensi proses tersebut. Efisiensi proses ini dapat dicapai dengan memberikan visualisasi secara menyeluruh terhadap rangkaian proses-proses tersebut untuk kemudian dapat secara dini menemukan potensi permasalahan sebelum terlanjur dieksekusi di lapangan. Visualisasi proses ini dimungkinkan dengan memanfaatkan intelligent 3D model , yang kaya akan informasi dan knowledge , yang kemudian dapat dijadikan dasar berjalannya proses tersebut dan proses-proses setelahnya. Teknologi ini juga memungkinkan terjadinya kolaborasi bekerja antar entitas-entitas yang berkepentingan di dalam sebuah proyek, sehingga dapat dibuat perencanaan kerja yang paralel dengan kontrol yang baik terhadap proses bekerja secara paralel tersebut. Pada akhirnya akan dapat dicapai efisiensi waktu dan biaya, dengan kualitas yang baik dan terkontrol. Di dunia industri AEC (Architecture, Engineering & Construction ) dikenal konsep BIM (Building Information Modeling ) yang merupakan konsep bekerja dengan memanfaatkan teknologi berbasis intelligent 3D model tersebut. Sedangkan di dunia industri Manufacturing , kita sudah lebih lama mengenal istilah Digital Prototyping , yang pada dasarnya juga memanfaatkan 3D model dalam prosesnya sebelum kemudian diterapkan secara fisik baik di prototype maupun di level produksi. Menyadari bahwa dunia Industri belum sepenuhnya dapat memahami proses baru berbasiskan teknologi terkini ini baik BIM maupun Digital Prototyping, dan adanya keraguan apakah konsep bekerja ini benar dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas pekerjaan (proof of concept), maka kami PT. Cipta Satria Informatika, mengadakan hands-on workshop bagi kustomer-kustomer kami, agar mereka dapat secara langsung mendapatkan sharing pengetahuan mengenai konsepnya, dan sekaligus dapat langsung praktek menggunakan tools yang disediakan oleh Autodesk di fasilitas Training Center kami. Silakan kontak kami untuk jadwal Hands-On Workshop Series kami, dan kami tunggu kehadirannya di ATC kami!


Apa itu Fusion 360 extensions? Extensions memungkinkan Anda untuk membuka kemampuan desain dan teknologi manufaktur lebih lanjut di Fusion 360. Dapatkan akses fitur seperti strategi pemesinan yang kompleks, desain generatif, dan alur kerja manufaktur...

Fusion 360 for personal use

Perangkat lunak CAD, CAM, dan PCB terpadu Dapatkan akses ke Fusion 360 untuk penggunaan pribadi, termasuk fitur standar untuk proyek berbasis rumah dan non-komersial. Fusion 360 for personal use Fusion 360 untuk penggunaan pribadi adalah versi terbatas...

Gain Control of Your Construction Data: 6 Steps to Standardization

Jumlah data yang digunakan dalam industri konstruksi sangat mengejutkan—dan hanya akan tumbuh di masa depan. Pertimbangkan bahwa beberapa proyek infrastruktur terbesar di dunia membutuhkan rata-rata 130 juta email, 55 juta dokumen, dan 12 juta a...

GeoBIM : Bring Toghether The Power of BIM and GIS

Autodesk® dan Esri bekerja sama untuk memberikan cara baru untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih tepat danmenghemat waktu. Integrasikan alur kerja BIM dan GIS Anda dengan menghubungkan data GIS ke desain modeldalam perangkat lunak desain infrastruktur ...


ACCOMMODATES DIFFERENT LEARNING STYLES Dalam komunitas pendidikan, sudah pasti bahwa orang yang berbeda belajar paling efektif dengan cara yang berbeda. Namun, sulit untukmenemukan satu sumber konten pelatihan yang mengakomodasi semua gaya belajar...

How to Build on Top Real-Time BIM

Real-time BIM is here Unity Reflect membantu Anda memenangkan lebih banyak proyek, melakukan tinjauan mendalam, dan menghubungkan desain dan konstruksi, semuanya dengan perangkat lunak BIM coordination kami. Hadirkan beberapa model BIM dengan semua...
Introducing: Autodesk Industry Collections

Introducing: Autodesk Industry Collections

On August 1, 2016, Autodesk will be delivering on this commitment by introducing Autodesk industry collections, the most convenient and flexible way to access a wide selection of the most essential Autodesk software used in your industry– all in a si...

Kurangi Waktu Desain Hingga 50%

Untuk Harga Terendah Rp.81.000/hari Perubahan selalu menjadi bagian manufaktur yang selalu ada. Baik Anda bekerja dari rumah, menghadapi rantai pasokantantangan, atau merencanakan kembalinya personel manufaktur, Autodesk hadir untuk membantu...

Lihat Apa Yang Baru Dari Autodesk Vault 2022.1

Autodesk Vault 2022.1 hadir dengan banyak penyempurnaan baru yang pasti ingin Anda lihat. Video ini memberikan ikhtisar tentang sorotan. Anda juga dapat membaca posting kami sebelumnya dengan daftar lengkap apa yang baru di Vault 2022.1, yang meliputi: ...

Live Event Batam (Materi Download)

PT. Cipta Satria Informatika bersama Autodesk telah mengadakan Live Event di Batam pada, Tanggal : 21 Juli 2022 Tempat : Harris Resort Waterfront Batam Terimakasih kepada hadirin yang telah datang dan berkumpul bersama kami. Tunggu Live Event kami...

Live Event Jakarta (Materi Download)

PT. Cipta Satria Informatika bersama Autodesk dan TechData telah mengadakan Live Event di Jakarta pada, Tanggal : 28 Juli 2022 Tempat : Hotel GranDhika Iskandarsyah Terimakasih kepada hadirin yang telah datang dan berkumpul bersama kami. Tunggu Live...

Mengapa Berlangganan Multi-years Masuk Akal untuk Bisnis Yang Baik

Berlangganan Software Autodesk selama 3 tahun dapat membantu memastikan Anda mendapatkan laba atas investasi terbesar dengan memungkinkan Anda mengamankan harga perangkat lunak selama tiga tahun dan menerima penghematan 10%*. Berikut adalah beberapa...


Hadirkan dimensi lain pada proses pengembangan Anda DESAIN PARAMETRIK Dari papan konsep hingga desain yang dibantu komputer, para ekayasawan selalu mencari cara agar semuanya dapat berjalan lebih baik. Kini, mereka punya lebih banyak alat...

MFG (Manufacturing)

Silahkan isi Form dibawah ini untuk mengajukan pertanyaan atau ajukan demo/presentasi dengan tim kami untuk software Autodesk yang ingin Anda cari tahu lebih.

OpenSpace : Reality Capture FAQs

Apa itu Reality Capture ? Solusi reality capture memungkinkan para pekerja proyek dapat merekam, berbagi, dan menganalisis secara digital kondisi di lokasi kerja proyek untuk bergerak lebih cepat dan membuat keputusan yang lebih cerdas. Apa Bedanya...

OpenSpace AI

Rekam Lokasi Anda dengan kecepatan dan kesederhanaan yang tak tertandingi Nyalakan kamera 360, klik Go, dan cukup jelajahi lokasi Anda. OpenSpace Vision Engine memetakan foto ke dalam rencana Anda secara...

Pinnacle Series

Tetap menjadi yang terdepan denganPinnacle Series. Sistem manajemen pembelajaran andalan kami memberi tim Anda alat untuk meningkatkan keterampilan, berbagi pengetahuan, bekerja secara kolaboratif, dan meningkatkan efisiensi. Fitur &...

Plastics Made Perfect

Optimize your plastic parts for plastic injection molding Standar untuk simulasi cetakan injeksi Perusahaan industri terkemuka di seluruh dunia menggunakan perangkat lunak Autodesk® Moldflow®untuk membantu mengoptimalkan desain bagian dan c...

Product Design Manufacturing Collection Apa Itu Product Design Manufacturing Collection (PDMC) ? Product Design Manufacturing Collection (PDMC) adalah sekumpulan aplikasi tingkat profesional terintegrasi yang...


Autodesk Suites Autodesk Products Microsoft Products Sophos Products


Autodesk is a world leader in 3D design software for entertainment, natural resources, manufacturing, engineering, construction, and civil infrastructure.
3ds Max

3ds Max

3D modeling, animation, and rendering software 3ds Max® 3D modeling software provides a comprehensive modeling, animation, simulation, and rendering solution for games, film, and motion graphics artists. 3ds Max delivers efficient new tools, accelerated ...
3ds Max Design

3ds Max Design

Create cinematic-quality visuals and movies to communicate and sell your design ideas.
Advance Steel

Advance Steel

3D modeling software for steel detailing Advance Steel detailing software is built on the AutoCAD platform. Intelligent 3D modeling tools help you accelerate accurate design and detailing. Speed time to fabrication and construction with tools that automatically...


Industrial design and Class-A surfacing software Alias® industrial design software powers your creative process with a range of sketching, modeling, surfacing, and visualization tools. Use Digital Prototyping to create compelling designs with tools ...
Alias AutoStudio

Alias AutoStudio

New for 2015, AutoStudio adds concept modeling, analysis, and visualization.
Alias Design

Alias Design

Develop and communicate 3D product designs from concept to final surfaces. 
Alias Surface

Alias Surface

Refine concept models into Class-A surfaces for consumer and automotive designs.


Design every detail with CAD software Create stunning designs with AutoCAD® design and documentation software. Speed documentation and detailing work with productivity tools, and share your work with TrustedDWG™ technology. Connect your workflow ac...
AutoCAD Architecture

AutoCAD Architecture

Streamline building projects with architectural CAD AutoCAD® Architecture software is the version of AutoCAD software specifically for architects. Architectural drafting features enable you to design and document more efficiently, in the familiar AutoCAD ...
AutoCAD Civil 3D

AutoCAD Civil 3D

Civil engineering design software AutoCAD® Civil 3D® civil engineering design software is a civil design and documentation solution that supports Building Information Modeling (BIM) workflows. Using AutoCAD Civil 3D, infrastructure professionals can b...
AutoCAD Electrical

AutoCAD Electrical

CAD software for electrical design AutoCAD® Electrical design software, part of the Digital Prototyping solution, is AutoCAD for electrical controls designers. It includes all the functionality of AutoCAD software plus a complete set of electrical ...


Create drawings with essential drafting software Speed design work with AutoCAD LT® 2D drawing software for Windows and Mac OS X. Share precise documentation with the reliability of TrustedDWG™ technology. Connect your 2D CAD software workflow across in...
AutoCAD Map 3D

AutoCAD Map 3D

Model-based GIS and mapping software AutoCAD® Map 3D software provides access to GIS and mapping data to support planning, design, and data management. Intelligent models and CAD tools help you to apply regional and discipline-specific standards. Integration ...
AutoCAD Mechanical

AutoCAD Mechanical

Mechanical design software for manufacturing AutoCAD® Mechanical design software is AutoCAD software built for manufacturing. Part of the Digital Prototyping solution, it includes all the functionality of AutoCAD, plus libraries of standards-based ...


MEP software for designers and drafters AutoCAD® MEP software helps you draft, design, and document building systems. Create more accurate designs within a familiar AutoCAD-based environment. Increase productivity and reduce errors with automated drafting ...


Piping design software for faster P&ID drawings Create, modify, and manage piping and instrumentation diagrams with AutoCAD® P&ID piping design software. Built on AutoCAD software, it is already familiar to many designers and engineers. With ...
AutoCAD Plant 3D

AutoCAD Plant 3D

3D plant layout design software Support productivity, improve accuracy, and enhance coordination with AutoCAD® Plant 3D plant layout design software. Built on the familiar AutoCAD software platform, these tools bring modern 3D plant design to designers ...
AutoCAD Raster Design

AutoCAD Raster Design

Raster-to-vector conversion software Convert raster images into DWG™ objects with the powerful vectorization tools of AutoCAD® Raster Design. Easily edit, enhance, and maintain scanned drawings and plans in a familiar AutoCAD environment. Make the mo...
AutoCAD Structural Detailing

AutoCAD Structural Detailing

Structural engineering software for AutoCAD users Autodesk® AutoCAD® Structural Detailing software helps structural engineers, detailers and fabricators create more precise detailing and fabrication shop drawings. Built on the familiar Autodesk® Au...
AutoCAD Utility Design

AutoCAD Utility Design

Model-based electrical distribution design AutoCAD® Utility Design software combines design and documentation with rules-driven workflows and analysis for electrical distribution design. Improve design accuracy, analyze and optimize network designs ...


Document and data management software as a service Buzzsaw® is data management software as a service (SaaS) that helps enable Building Information Modeling (BIM) workflows. It includes tools for documentation, modeling, and data management, and it ...
Configurator 360

Configurator 360

Easily deploy an online product configurator. Configurator 360™ software is a cloud-based solution that enables you to provide engineers, sales reps, and end customers with web and mobile access to a 3D configuration of your products. Easily upload e...
Flow Design

Flow Design

Virtual wind tunnel testing tools Flow Design simulates airflow and wind tunnel testing around buildings, vehicles, outdoor equipment, consumer products, and other virtual structures. Fast feedback and intuitive controls enable you to gain deep design...
Green Building Studio

Green Building Studio

Cloud-based energy-analysis software. Green Building Studio® energy-analysis software enables architects and designers to perform whole-building analysis, optimize energy consumption, and work toward carbon-neutral building designs earlier in the process. ...


Speed the civil infrastructure design process Engineer large-scale preliminary designs in context with InfraWorks 360™ and collaborate with multiple stakeholders virtually anytime and anywhere. Extend your design capabilities with the ability to access s...


3D CAD software for mechanical design Inventor® 3D CAD software offers an easy-to-use set of tools for 3D mechanical design, documentation, and product simulation. Digital Prototyping with Inventor helps you design and validate your products before th...
Inventor Engineer-to-Order

Inventor Engineer-to-Order

Automated sales and design ETO software Inventor® Engineer-to-Order software helps automate point-of-sale order and bid processes by providing easy-to-use tools for capturing business and engineering rules. Part of the Digital Prototyping solution, ...


Comprehensive 3D animation software Maya® 3D animation, modeling, simulation, rendering, and compositing software offers a comprehensive creative feature set on a highly extensible production platform. Maya provides high-end character and effects toolsets ...
Mockup 360

Mockup 360

Digital mockup tool for 3D design Mockup 360™, part of the Digital Prototyping solution, is a real-time collaboration and digital design mockup tool that enables engineers and project managers in manufacturing environments to work with suppliers and c...


3D character animation software MotionBuilder® 3D character animation software for virtual production helps you to more efficiently manipulate and refine data with greater reliability. Capture, edit, and play back complex character animation in a highly ...


Digital painting and sculpting software Mudbox® digital sculpting and digital painting software enables you to create production-ready 3D digital artwork. Mudbox offers a high-performance environment and professional-quality tools to help you create ...


Trusted and accurate mechanical simulation solver Autodesk® Nastran® FEA solver software analyzes linear and nonlinear stress, dynamics, and heat transfer characteristics of structures and mechanical components—see real-time results and changes in ...
Nastran In-CAD

Nastran In-CAD

CAD-embedded advanced mechanical simulation Autodesk® Nastran® In-CAD™ software, a CAD-embedded general purpose finite element analysis (FEA) tool powered by the Autodesk® Nastran® solver, offers a wide range of simulation for multiple analysis types...
Naviswork Manage

Naviswork Manage

Control outcomes with advanced coordination, 5D analysis, and simulation tools.


Project review software for AEC professionals Navisworks® project review software helps architecture, engineering, and construction professionals holistically review integrated models and data with stakeholders to gain better control over project outcomes. ...
PLM 360

PLM 360

Cloud-based product lifecycle management Streamline your business processes with Autodesk PLM 360 cloud-based product lifecycle management software. Affordable, intuitive, and easy to deploy, Autodesk PLM 360 is part of our Digital Prototyping solution...
Point Layout

Point Layout

Point placement and construction layout software Point Layout construction layout software enables construction professionals to use BIM coordinate information in the field. Deliver faster, more accurate layout installation and QA/QC. Directly export/import...


Reality capture software for 3D documentation Capture and integrate reality directly into your design process with ReCap™ reality capture software. ReCap point cloud and image-based 3D modeling software and services work seamlessly with Autodesk design a...


Building design and construction software Revit® building design software* is specifically built for Building Information Modeling (BIM), empowering design and construction professionals to bring ideas from concept to construction with a coordinated ...
Robot Structural Analysis Professional

Robot Structural Analysis Professional

Advanced structural analysis software Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional software provides engineers with advanced building simulation and analysis capabilities for large, complex structural modeling. Part of the Digital Prototyping solution, t...


3D visualization software brings design to life Autodesk® Showcase® 3D presentation and 3D visualization software provides easy-to-use presentation and design exploration tools for architects, designers, engineers, and marketing professionals. Quickly t...


Analysis and simulation software Deliver better designs more quickly and make great products with Autodesk Simulation software, part of the Autodesk solution for Digital Prototyping . Predict product behavior, test innovative concepts, and optimize...
Simulation CFD

Simulation CFD

Computational fluid dynamics software Simulation CFD software provides computational fluid dynamics and thermal simulation tools to help you make great products. Part of the Digital Prototyping solution, Simulation CFD helps you predict product performance,...
Simulation Composite Analysis

Simulation Composite Analysis

Powerful tools for composite analysis Simulation Composite Analysis software, part of the Digital Prototyping solution, provides fast, accurate, and flexible composite analysis and FEA analysis tools to help create lighter, stronger, safer, and more...
Simulation Composite Design

Simulation Composite Design

Practical tools for composite design Simulation Composite Design includes a number of engineering tools that offer rapid, detailed information on the behavior of composite materials, laminates, and simple structures without the complexities of finite...
Simulation DFM

Simulation DFM

Design for manufacturing software Design and manufacture plastic products more efficiently with Simulation DFM software, part of the Digital Prototyping solution. Simulation DFM works within your existing 3D CAD program, providing near real-time feedback...
Simulation Mechanical

Simulation Mechanical

Finite element analysis and modeling software Simulation Mechanical software, featuring integrated Autodesk Nastran FEA solver software, provides fast, accurate, and flexible tools for finite element analysis and modeling. Whether you’re a designer, e...
Simulation Moldflow

Simulation Moldflow

Simulation tools for plastic injection molding Integrate Simulation Moldflow into your Digital Prototyping process to improve your injection mold design and plastic part design, as well as the injection molding design process. Make great products—reduce c...
SketchBook Pro

SketchBook Pro

Sketching and painting software SketchBook® Pro sketching and painting software is a professional-grade program for digital artists, illustrators, and designers. Transform your Windows- or Mac-based computer into a digital sketchbook using powerful ...


Collaboration and data management software Vault data management software, part of the Digital Prototyping solution, helps organize, manage, and track data creation, simulation, and documentation processes for design, engineering, and construction...


3D visualization and virtual prototyping software VRED™ 3D visualization software enables automotive designers and engineers to create product presentations, design reviews, and virtual prototypes with realistic materials, physical camera settings, e...

Microsoft Exchange Server

Work smarter, anywhere, with business email on your own servers. Get business email, calendar, and contacts delivered on your PC, phone, and browser. With a simplified approach to high availability and disaster recovery, achieve new levels of reliability...

Microsoft SharePoint

SharePoint Online With Office 365, SharePoint offers enhanced security technologies, is easy to manage, and can be accessed from almost anywhere


Security made simple.
Unified Threat Management

Unified Threat Management

The ultimate network security package. An essential network firewall, plus protection for web and email gateways, laptops and mobile devices. Sophos UTM gives you complete security from the network firewall to endpoint antivirus in a single modular...
Next-Gen Firewall

Next-Gen Firewall

This is where network threats go to die. Protect virtual and physical servers from malware threats without sacrificing performance
Secure VPN

Secure VPN

Turn any location into a secure location Sophos RED instantly connects a branch office to your LAN. And client VPN provides remote access for desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.  
Secure Wi-Fi

Secure Wi-Fi

Super secure, super Wi-Fi. Plug in Sophos wireless access points and turn your Sophos UTM into a powerful wireless controller.
Secure Web Gateway

Secure Web Gateway

Complete web protection everywhere. Take control of your web traffic and block the latest threats everywhere users go - even when they're not on your network.
Secure Email Gateway

Secure Email Gateway

Simple protection for a complex problem. Email threats and phishing attacks don’t stand a chance with transparent email filtering.
Web Application Firewall

Web Application Firewall

Uncommon protection from common threats Prevent hackers from exploiting your website and applications—without getting the web developers involved.
Enduser Protection Suites

Enduser Protection Suites

The All-in-One Security Suite. Protection for desktops, laptops, mobile devices, data, web and even email—all with a single license
Endpoint Antivirus

Endpoint Antivirus

Trusted Endpoint Antivirus Protection Deployed on-premise or in the cloud.
Sophos Cloud

Sophos Cloud

Sophos security. Cloud simplicity. Windows, Mac and mobile, together at last. Manage endpoint security and mobile devices from one unified cloud console.
Mobile Control

Mobile Control

Countless devices, one solution. Complete management and security of mobile devices, content and applications.
SafeGuard Encryption

SafeGuard Encryption

Encryption without compromise. Protect your data on computers, shared folders, removable media and even the cloud.
Virtualization Security

Virtualization Security

Performs like it isn’t there. Protects because it is. Secure your systems with fast, lightweight antivirus built for virtualization.  
Server Security

Server Security

Pro-server. Anti-virus. Protect virtual and physical servers from malware threats without sacrificing performance.  
SharePoint Security

SharePoint Security

Collaborate in confidence Malware protection and content control to let your users share, but not too much.  
Network Storage Antivirus

Network Storage Antivirus

High-tech security for high-tech storage. The high-performance antivirus scanner for network storage systems.  


Good news for you. Bad news for spam. Enforce policy compliance and defend against spam and advanced threats on Exchange, Unix, Domino or at the gateway.

Produktif Bersama CSI

Dalam merespon kondisi terkait mewabahnya penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus Corona, dan implikasinya terhadap dikeluarkannya peraturan-peraturan Pemerintah Pusat & Daerah yang membatasi aktifitas fisik serta sosial masyarakat berskala besar, kami...

Promo Early Renewal

Kami dari PT Cipta Satria Informatika dengan level Gold Partner dari Autodesk ingin menyampaikan informasi terkait Promo Early Renewal yang sedang berjalan saat ini (Limited Time Promotion) yaitu: PROMO Gift Voucher with Early Renewal. Bagaimana...


Loading… CARA IKUTAN QUIZ! Quiz kami akan berlangsung selama periode yang ditentukan (Pukul 15:00 - 17:00 WIB). Untuk mengikutinya silahkan isi data Anda pada form di samping (Mohon untuk mengisi data dengan benar agar memudahkan kami untuk memproses h...

Saving Are Better When They're Locked In

Ada cara yang lebih cerdas untuk membayar. Dengan berlangganan produk Autodesk selama 3 tahun, Anda melakukan penghematan jika dibandingkan dengan membeli dan memperbarui langganan tahunan untuk periode yang sama. Setelah Anda berlangganan produk Autodesk...

See what’s new in InfraWorks

Fitur baru dalam perangkat lunak desain konseptual infrastruktur InfraWorks® meningkatkan alur kerja desain jembatan dan jalan. Full span complex 3D girders Buat model 3D yang kompleks dari gelagar jembatan bentangpenuh yang memenuhi ...


TEAMS SHOULD BE EQUIPPED WITH A VARIETY OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTSKILLS TO FIND SUCCESS IN 2021. landscape AEC mengalami sedikit gangguan, dihadapkan dengan perubahan yang cepat dan dipaksa untuk beradaptasi dengan cepatuntuk mempertahankan...


The right tool at the right time, in one package, for less Autodesk® 3D design and creation suites provide expanded toolsets, unique interoperability, and a consistent user experience—for building design, product design, entertainment creation, an...

Temukan 5 Cara Pendekatan pinnacle Series

PELAJARI TENTANG PENDEKATAN CUSTOMER-CENTRIC UNIK KAMI UNTUK E-LEARNING. Di Eagle Point Software, tim Kesuksesan Pelanggan kami adalah departemen terbesar di perusahaan — dan itu bukan kebetulan! Selain membangun solusikomprehensif seperti Pinnacle S...

The Evolution of Ecommerce

28th July 2021 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM, SG, MY, PH2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ID, VN, TH Konten 3D di web mengubah cara pengambilan keputusan pembelian. Dari model interaktif hingga augmented reality(AR) dan virtual reality (VR), tidak pernah ada permintaan...

The Great Trade In Promo

You are more than a serial number to us! Trade in your old perpetual license and get 25%* off a subscription What is the Autodesk FY21 Q1 Trade in Perpetual License Offer? Customers can save up to 25%** on the Autodesk Suggested Retail...

The Time for Digital Transformation is Always Now

Anda memiliki varian atau konsep produk baru. Mulai dari mana Apa yang terjadi selanjutnya? Dari ide hingga desain hingga manufaktur,ada banyak langkah yang terlibat dalam pengembangan produk. Namun, hari ini langkah Anda mungkin terlihat berbeda...

Top 5 BIM benefits for mechanical & HVAC contractors

Bertransisi dari CAD ke alur kerja BIM yang terintegrasi bisa terasa seperti perubahan besar, tetapi upaya itu lebih dari sepadan. Itulah yang kami pelajari dari studi komprehensif yang dilakukan di antara kontraktor mekanik dan HVAC di AS oleh para...



Top reasons for AutoCAD users to use Autodesk Vault

Autodesk Vault mengelola data desain dan proses teknik di central location untuk membantu Organisasi Anda menghemat waktu,menghindari kesalahan dengan biaya yang mahal, merevisi dan merilis desain dengan lebih efisien. 1 Check-in and Check-out...

Top Reasons to Renew Your Autodesk License

  Dapatkan update rilis software terbaru dengan harga lebih murah Berlangganan Autodesk adalah cara yang paling fleksibel dan menghemat biaya untuk mengakses dan mengelola desain terbaru, teknik, dan  terbaru. Berlangganan produk Autodesk sederhana d...

Top reasons to use Vault

Autodesk® Vault mengelola data desain dan proses engineering di lokasi pusat untuk membantu Perusahaan Anda menghemat waktu,menghindari kesalahan yang merugikan, dan merevisi serta merilis desain dengan lebih efisien.1. CAD integration Bekerja ...

Water Infrastructure Solution

Mengamankan masa depan air kita   Air. Mengelolanya adalah salah satu tantangan besar kita saat ini. Masyarakat membutuhkan air bersih yang disalurkan secara aman dan berkelanjutan, air limbah disalurkan dan diolah untuk dapat digunakan kembali,...

Ways to Contribute to Combatting COVID-19

Sebagaimana Autodesk terus mengawasi dampak coronavirus (COVID-19) terhadap industri kami, kami terusmencari cara terbaik untuk mendukung pelanggan kami, berusaha sefleksibel mungkin untuk memenuhikebutuhan para pelanggan yang terus berubah, dan...

Webinar AEC Collaboration: BIM Collaborate Pro for BIM Managers

AEC Collaboration: BIM Collaborate Pro for BIM Managers 25 Agustus 2022 | 11:00 WIB Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro menghubungkan pemangku kepentingan desain yang diperluas dan tertutup dan memungkinkan Manajer BIM untuk mengontrol akses ke berbagai...

Webinar Top 5 Workflows for 2D & 3D Design

Tambahkan dimensi lain ke proses pengembangan Anda. Jika Anda menggunakan CAD 2D tetapi tidak juga menggunakan 3D parametrik, Anda bisa kehilangan lebih dari sekadar alat desain. Bekerja dengan kedua alat bersama-sama membuka kemampuan yang bermanfaat...

What’s New in Revit 2022

Revit 2022 adalah tentang Anda. Ini adalah rilisan yang telah Anda tunggu-tunggu. Dengan Revit 2022, kami menggandakan tempat Revit paling berguna bagi Anda. Berdasarkanumpan balik dan permintaan paling populer, kami memberikan desain yang lebih...


BIM 360 DESIGN VS. REVIT SERVER Keuntungan Menggunakan BIM 360 Design AKSES Di Revit Server, konsultan eksternal dapat mengakses semua proyek Anda, tidak hanya yanga da saat ini. BIM 360 memungkinkan Anda mengontrol siapa yang dapat melihat proyek...


Imagine your team having everything they need to do their job efficiently. Bayangkan tim Anda memiliki semua yang mereka butuhkan untuk melakukan pekerjaan mereka secaraefisien. Ini menjadi kenyataan dengan sistem e-learning AEC Pinnacle Series....

[E-BOOK] How Plumbing Contractors Can Leverage Software for Better Business Outcomes

Terima Kasih Anda telah mengisi form dengan lengkap. Silahkan lanjut membaca atau mendownload Artikel Anda. DOWNLOAD

BIMBOX BIM in a BOX BIMBOX is BIM in a BOX, a product offerings Small Medium Enterprises in Architecture & Engineering fields with a package of BIM Tools Software and also Hardware with option for Mobile Or Desktop unit. BIM (Building...


Security made simple. PT. Cipta Satria Informatika had established partnership with Sophos a developer and vendor of computer security software and hardware to support our customers for the need of security in their IT infrastructure thoroughly. Sophos...

Network Protection

Secure Your Network Powerful Unified Threat management for your entire network

End User Protection

Protect Your Users Endpoint, mobile, and web security - license per user not device

Server Protection

Keep Data Safe High performance security for your most critical systems and data  
Infrastructure Platform

Infrastructure Platform

Planning and building a reliable IT foundation We have experience in successfully delivering migration project involving Microsoft Windows and Exchange servers, implementing portal and web server solutions, and several development project involving...


The best IT Infrastructures and engineering application systems Our long and extensive experiences supporting our customers in IT Infrastructure and CAD application systems have develop our engineers to become consultant for their wide knowledge in...


We provide customers with an implementation methodology. Customers can either tailor their implementation with a customized deployment plan based on their processes or leave the planning to us entirely, which will focus on specific processes and applications,...
Data Management

Data Management

We provide customers with an implementation methodology. Customers can either tailor their implementation with a customized deployment plan based on their processes or leave the planning to us entirely, which will focus on specific processes and applications,...

Cipta Satria Informatika Training

Our training center provides the best way for customers to get up to speed. Find out about the latest productivity features, learn best practices, and develop the skills requires to get the most of your Autodesk software investment. Regular Training...

Cipta Satria Informatika Training

Pusat pelatihan kami menyediakan cara terbaik bagi pelanggan untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru. Cari tahu tentang fitur produktivitas terbaru, pelajari praktik terbaik, dan kembangkan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal...
Help Desk

Help Desk

Our Help Desk service provides resources for IT users to contact when they are having problems with their IT services. Help Desks institute a multi-tiered trouble shooting approach by having personnel with extensive technical knowledge available. Help...


Computer & IT Rental With our IT hardware rental, you will get access to a wide range of customizable products at a fraction of the cost, from computers and laptops to AV equipment and dedicated servers.

About CSI

Cipta Satria Informatika As a very dynamic and aggressive IT company, CSI organization chart is clearly simple and straight forward to make sure the flow of communication among team member are maintain at the highest degree of clarity....

Job Vacancies

We employ a very wide range of staff, and details of all our current vacancies are shown here. Listings of all current vacancies can be viewed and applied for via our online job application system.

Site Map

Engineering Solutions Infrastructure Solutions Professional Services Autodesk Suites Autodesk Products Microsoft Products Sophos Products About Support Cipta...

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